I began by trying out a range of fonts in different sizes using the words 'this is the art department' as an example. I wrote this in capitals because I felt it looked clearest and neatest, that way Brit students and visitors would be able to read the words easily avoiding any confusion.
The first one was written in the Eras Light ITC font which is very clear and simple but also very stylish. 'This is the' is in the size of 26 and the rest is 32 and in bold. I wrote the last line in bold so it is clear and obvious for the readers, slightly standing out from the image that will lie next to it.
The second one was written in the Century Gothic font which is the font the Brit School use in the prospectus and in news letters etc. Again the first line was written in a slightly smaller font, 22, allowing the last line "Art Department' in size 40 to stand out.
The third was written in @GungsuhChe, a font which is slightly different from the previous. This font is less formal and more stylish so I tried to match it with the layout of the text. Again, I made the bottom line slightly bigger to stand out from the rest of the text though I didn't have to make it any bolder because the font was originally bold.
Broken is a font similar to the graffiti style. I feel graffiti is now out of date and can look quite tacky so I don't think the font is suitable for my design. I also experimented with rotation and tilts to give a different effect.
In the last one, I used two different fonts, Arial (top) and Enviro (bottom). One is very stylish and the other is quite plain and some may say its boring. Mixing two fonts together allows two opinions. Some may like the first font and some may like the last.
I will use black text in my designs because I would prefer a minimal amount of colour. This will keep my design simple but effective.