Words forming words
This design is similar to the previous design font wise. The font would be plain, simple and clear to read. However, instead of block colours, the signs showing the name of the area or simple arrows would be formed from words written in a simple font in various sizes. From a distance, the signs would appear as if they have been painted one colour but when closely observed, each word would seem clearly visible; e.g the sign 'VAD' could be formed from the words visual arts and design or art related words or an arrow '-->' could be formed from the words the arrow is leading to such as the reception, visual arts and design department, foyer, etc. As the words forming the arrows would not be visible from a distance, there would have to be a colour code for certain areas of the building, e.g art strand could have the colour orange, theatre could have green, the reception could have yellow and the foyer could have blue, etc.

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